DYING INSIDE: Suicide and Childhood Abuse

Greetings! I am an overcomer of childhood sexual abuse. If you too are a sexual abuse survivor, I need your help. 
My next book project is to write a book that will encourage and help sexual abuse victims to move from being victims to survivors/victors in Christ to live a healthy, joy-filled, productive life. 
Additionally, the book will bring to light to the general public how serious of a problem sexual abuse is with its devastating consequences, such as suicidal ideation. 
In the book, I will be including a section with true-to-life survivor stories. Are you willing to share your story? If so, please write your story using fictitious names with the location disguised to protect the innocent. Please submit your story to me by September 1. 
Other book sections will include the prevention of sexual abuse and healing from sexual abuse. Thank you!
Please fill out the form below and submit a portion of your story to be considered for publication. 

BUTTERFLY TEARS: God's Healing through the Pain

Are you a poetry writer? Do you write about your pain and your joy that you found through Jesus?
Barbara is working to compile a second book and would appreciate your help.
If you have experienced pain and trauma and yet have found God’s amazing healing power and Grace, Barbara would like to hear from you. 
Please fill out the form below and include one sample of your poetry in the comment box. 
If you have a story to tell, please tell a little bit about it and she will message you.


All submissions must be written on a word document,  Times Roman 12 font, 1.5 spacing. It must be titled and it must have your name on it. If you want to remain anonymous please indicate that on your submission.
You will receive one complimentary copy and will be given the opportunity to purchase additional books at 50% off retail. 
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.


I have just been inspired to finally become a life coach after 20 years of contemplating it. I am not new to this field.

I am an incest survivor and have been through years of therapy myself to heal from what was hell on Earth. While in my therapy, I began to write my experiences down and found that I was dealing with more than just incest. I was dealing with borderline personality disorder and dissociation. What I wrote later became a series of eight books in a collection that dealt with my personal story and how I healed through the expertise of a loving and caring therapist.

I am just beginning on this road as a life coach and so I want to offer to anyone who would be interested a discounted rate and a free book entitled


Which is part of my story and what my therapist led me through in order to heal.

If you are interested please comment below. I will be in touch with you. You may also leave me a private message. And you may also call me to set up arrangements. My email is [email protected] and my number is 231-869-2469 & I am in Eastern standard Time.

I look forward to sharing what I learned and pass it on to you so that you also may heal.  It’s time.

Blessings to all,
Barbara Elaine Kompik


 DISCLAIMER: Most of the survivor stories in this book, although true to life, have been disguised by using fictitious names and places. Any resemblance to anyone you may know in life is merely a coincidence. The stories were disguised and each victim’s identity was hidden to protect the innocent. Furthermore, some of the information presented in this book may be triggering to some individuals. For those persons triggered by reading this book, the authors encourage them to seek professional assistance as soon as possible.

The Suicide Hotline Number is 988