Adverse Advertising

Have you ever had any of these questions go through your mind?
What if someone doesn’t like my advertising?
What if somebody says something negative about me sending advertising to them?
Can I send out too many advertisements?
What if they don’t buy my book because of my advertisements?
And so on.
We are so fearful of offending someone that we forfeit our own success in the meantime. 
Does that even make sense?
We apologize for showing and telling something to someone about what we have created by writing our book and getting it published.
We aren’t sure about the book that we have created that it will make someone else’s life happier or easier or more well-defined because they have read our book.
We even apologize for sending them information that could make their life better.
I say that it’s time to change that thinking around and believe that what we have created in our hands will absolutely make a difference in many people’s lives.
And here is the clincher of the whole story:  it’s time to believe that every negative comment or response that you may get is actually a positive waiting to be turned around.
Next time you receive something negative decide whether it’s something to hang on to, or consider, or throw out the window entirely. You can decide what you’re going to do with every comment and response that you receive. You alone can grow from it and make something worthy of it.
It all takes perspective.
If you’d like to learn more about how to deflect negative comments please be in touch with me.