Marketing 101

Marketing takes a lot of work. And you are putting your time in. Don’t give up. Take heart. What you are doing is what you need to be doing. I think that we tend to expect results quickly from our efforts but marketing is not like that it’s a slow simmer.
I would suggest you make one blurb for your social media with your book description and photo and just make it conversational and short. And take that one blurb and repeat it once a week to your profile page but also to groups on social media that would be interested in your kind of book. Target your market a little bit more refined. Repeat this once a week and nothing more.
The statistics are that you will receive only 1% response rate with your efforts. Don’t expect a huge response because it won’t come. That’s just the nature of the beast. It’s not you. It’s just the way it is. Then when that 1% responds you take those people and you make friends of them and make conversation with them to tell them about your book.
Always go for the soft sell. Nobody wants to be lambasted with sales pitches. Keep it light and conversational as I said.
Secret to marketing is repeat. Repeat. Repeat. It takes nine times for a person to hear a message before they will act on it. That’s just a given in the sales and marketing world. So don’t give up. But don’t expect the world either. You have to love interacting with people in order to be successful.
I’d be happy to continue conversation with you and help you along the way. I’ve got 40 years of sales and marketing experience behind me. I’m a retired salesperson and an author of 14 books. My books are doing very well. But it takes time and effort. Don’t give up.
So set up an appointment with me TODAY!