Julie’s Success Story

This is a story of an author who took my course on marketing and how to reach more followers and sell more books. This is what happened to her: 
Enjoy the read! 
So I have a story to tell about a personal experience that is a textbook example of how engagement works. 
On July 1st, I reached 1K followers on my author page. As I was watching the numbers rise: 994, 995, 998, 999, I had an idea. I decided that when I got my 1000th follower, I would surprise them by sending them a signed copy of my book, just for helping me hit the 1K milestone. I watched and watched, and I was stuck on 999 for a couple of hours. 
Then when the 1000th came, I sent them an e-mail to inform them that I was sending them a signed copy of my book and asked if there was a name they wanted me to sign it to. 
She was delighted and I was also thrilled because she said she would add it to her collection, so I knew it was someone who appreciated books. 
I was also so happy that it was someone who runs an animal sanctuary and it was also in Canada, as am I. It’s called F3 Ranch Alberta. 
Anyway, I shipped the book (which sadly cost more to ship than the value of the book, but I digress) and a few days later, they posted about it on their page and said they couldn’t put the book down. 
I looked at their page and they have 19K followers. 
WOW! with my small gesture of rewarding my 1000th follower with a book, I have now been exposed to 19K new people who would not otherwise know about me or my book. 
Several times a day I receive notifications that more people have put a reaction on that post. Last time I looked, it was at about 235 reactions. 
That, my friends, is exactly how engagement on social media works. You never know when something you’ve done, or something you’ve posted, or a comment that you’ve left somewhere will be something that gets noticed by people. You’ve just got to keep at it. It’s like I tell my clients, it’s all about patience and persistence. 
Keep at it, even when you’re discouraged and you wonder why the heck you keep doing this.
A Note from Barbara
That a way @Julie Simmons !  I might add a couple little things here to go with Julie’s story. Julie connected with me in May of this year and she jumped on my course on how to develop a personalized marketing campaign plan for her book. She bought the course and we did our two hour session and I taught her a few things that she didn’t know. One of them was to engage the people that you talk to in an easygoing way without any kind of sales pitch and to also give things away to get people’s attention. 
She took my teaching to heart and now is teaching others what I taught her and even more! And now you all know Julie. And that’s how she got started working with me and selling her books and making an impact on other people’s lives in a huge way. 
And within 2 months time she has a thousand of her own personal followers and has a connection of 19,000 people that are responding to a post that a stranger now friend is making regarding the book she gave away for free.
And as Paul Harvey always said, and now you know the rest of the story!
This is my own quote that I live by when it comes to sales and marketing, 
“Make a friend, make a sale.”
Once you make a friend with your potential customer then they become a customer that buys and purchases your book and they also become a friend. And customers who become friends are usually repeat customers and will purchase again and send other people to you to buy your book. 
It works. Julie is prime example of that.
Get started on reaching your dreams and your goals by signing up for our course by phone at your own convenience.
– The Julie and Barbara Marketing Team

Barbara E. Kompik, President
LaShay Nicole Marketing Solutions
[email protected]
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