Sales is a learned art. Some people come by it naturally and some people struggle with it. There are some things that you should and should not do while in the middle of a sales call or presentation. This can be anywhere. This can be at a show or at a book signing or anywhere you happen to be around people and trying to sell them your book.
These are some of the top things that you do not want to do:
Do not chew gum.
Do not eat in front of your customer.
Do not fiddle with your hair or with your clothes or with anything on your person.
Do not look away from your customers eyes while they are talking to you.
Do not interrupt your customer.
Do not be so stiff that they cannot be comfortable with you.
Do not be so comfortable with them that you lose your professionalism.
Do not interrupt your customer when they are speaking.
Do not laugh loudly.
Do not assume that they will not buy from you.
There are the counterparts to this list of don’ts, and I will add what you need to do during a sales presentation at all times:
Do look at your customer directly into their eyes.
Do smile comfortably throughout your presentation.
Do mimic their body language as you notice it. Subtly. Copy what they do without being noticeable so as to put them at ease with you.
Do keep control of the conversation without being overbearing.
Do you ask questions often and listen to their answers. Always comment on their answer in a positive way.
Do be friendly and reach your hand out to shake your customer’s hand.
Do ask them what their name is and call them by their name frequently during your conversation.
Do assume that they will buy your book. Always believe they will buy your book.
There are many many other tricks of the trade that you can learn to help yourself in the sales arena. It would behoove you to learn as much as what you can from the best sales people there are out there. Find out what your mentor has for a track record before taking on anything that they say. It’s important to learn from the best.
For more information you can contact me at [email protected].