Funny Authors

Authors, in particular, are a funny bunch. Me included. I don’t know why though. I think maybe they just haven’t found the right person to help them. That’s my guess. Because all of us have wanted to do things ourselves and thought we were good enough to do it. That includes everything from writing the book to editing to book cover design and even on the marketing and promoting. We all have wanted to do it cheaply, to put it lightly.
But I have found in my own experience when I have done my books myself when I wasn’t an expert in doing that particular part of getting my book published and looking good that sales really sucked. I was good at writing. But I wasn’t good at editing and cover design. 
When I found the right person to do what needed to be done it made all the difference in the world.
My sales have skyrocketed and I even won an award for best International award-winning bipolar eBook.
I’ve learned so much in my 65 years that I can’t put it all in this one little message but I’d like to invite anyone to give me a shout out and give me a call and find out what I did that made all the difference in the world for me. It may not be good for you but it sure was for me.
Private message me please and ask me for my phone number. I’d be glad to talk to you.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tanysha Lee Costales

    I wholeheartedly agree with you. I did not know how expensive it would be to publish a book but in all honesty an author must focus on the quality of the book. We will receive what we put out so it’s best to give it your all.

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